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Transformative power of portrait photography

vilija skubute

Updated: Jul 26, 2024

#portraitphotography is more than just capturing a person's image!

Why would anyone would want to have a portrait photoshoot experience? I've been asked this question recently, and it got me thinking: Women have been having their photographic portraits taken for over a century.. Are the benefits of a portrait photoshoot really not that obvious by now?

women behind the scenes portrait at the 40 over 40 portrait photoshoot

Based on my experience, I have identified three transformative reasons why portrait photography is impactful for each woman:

One of the Most Important reason: is a Boost in Self-Esteem and Confidence!:

One of the most significant benefits of a portrait photography session is the profound boost in self-esteem and confidence it can provide. Over the years, I've encountered many women who struggle with low self-esteem and a lack of confidence, often due to negative experiences and critical people they've encountered. These harmful interactions can leave lasting scars, embedding a belief that they are not good enough or not pretty enough deep within their core.

It's heartbreaking to see how pervasive and damaging these beliefs can be. Portraits can shift the way they see themselves, challenging the negative beliefs that have been ingrained over the years. The process of being photographed—choosing outfits, getting hair and makeup done, and posing—allows women to step outside their comfort zones and embrace their beauty. It's a moment of self-indulgence and self-appreciation that many women seldom experience.

Celebrating Individuality and Personal Growth:

Every woman carries within her a tapestry of interesting stories, woven from the unique turns and brave decisions that have shaped her life. These experiences—each triumph, challenge, and transformation—contribute to the rich, complex individuals they are today. Each portrait captures more than just a face; it encapsulates a story, a journey, and a multitude of experiences that have defined who a woman is.

women hair and makeup session before 40 over 40 portrait photoshoot
Hair & Makeup

Doing something just for YOU:

This is not as easy as it sounds. Throughout our life, many of us, especially women are conditioned in our society to focus on the needs and happiness of those around us - whether it's a spouse, partner, children, parents, siblings, or friends. This nurturing instinct is deeply ingrained, driving us to ensure that everything runs smoothly for others, even if it means setting aside our own needs and desires. At some point, many of us begin to question this self-sacrificing approach: "But what about me?". It is not a selfish thought; it's a natural and healthy realization. The life is so short that at some point you will need to start make - YOU happy. A portrait photography session is a perfect example of an activity that focuses solely on you. For many, this experience is a small but significant step towards self-care. It's a day dedicated entirely to you, where you can feel positive, pampered, and beautiful.

women portrait with a hat and large flowers on top
Portrait from 40 over 40 photoshoot session

 This story is about Aliyah, who is 42 years old and one of the participant of 40 over 40 photoshoot. She has never done a professional photoshoot before, and it was her first time. As she said that for many years she had selflessly concentrated on other issues while being a sole care giver and it was time to do something for herself to feel amazing.


Previously Aliyah has worked at the NHS, Public sector for 10 years. She needed a change and in 2020 she took a leap of faith and started working as a Digital professional for the Civil Service. That was a massive career change for her. Working from home allows her to take care of her parents as she has been an official full-time career for them for quite some time, also it helps her to enjoy precious moments.

four women portraits from 40 over 40 portrait photoshoot experience
portraits from 40 over 40 portrait photoshoot experience

I have asked her what advice she would give to herself if she met her 20 years younger, that's what she said:

‘Thats’ an interesting question! 20 years young - naive and not knowing much about the world.

Some of the skills I have gained in this 20 year gap between 20s to 40s have been so invaluable. I needed to go through the situations to get where I am now.

So if I met myself 20 years younger I would tell her to embrace life because confidence has always held me back. Confidence in terms at work and confidence in myself. Just go for it at work, don’t care what people say, just go and be the best you can. Focus on confidence and do not waste your time. ‘

women three portraits from 40 over 40 photo session
portraits from 40 over 40 photo session experience

The transformative power of portrait photography lies in its ability to change the way women see themselves, to celebrate their individuality, and to empower them through vulnerability and self-expression. By capturing their beauty, strength, and unique stories, portrait photography can be a powerful tool for self-love, self-care, and personal growth. Encouraging women to embrace this experience can lead to profound and lasting changes, helping them to see themselves in a new, more positive light.

Short video of Aliyah 40 over 40 Portraits Photoshoot:

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